4 Killer Apps that will Make You Smarter
When new games are being shown for the first time you will find them at the well-known E3 industry show. There were numerous game titles being showcased here. There are a couple of games that really stood out when it came to games that were meaningful, very beautiful and innovative.
Liyla and the Shadows of War
This game app is free and is for Android and iOS platforms. If you were just breezing through games you might think this was a typical ladder and platform game that is two dimensional.

One of the unique things about the game is it was made about Gaza and the true events that happened. You will be playing a family that is bound determined to survive no matter what obstacles that come their way. The family will have a personality, there are sniper fire threats, the dreaded missiles and drones everywhere, not to mention cars that are on fire paired with cries of desperation.
Until you are in a situation like this you never understand the conflict of horror and how emotional it can be, until now that is!
This is another game that is free for downloading to an Android or iOS platform. It is a lot like Band Hero only there are icons that appear on the screen and you must tap them to keep the soundtrack playing correctly.
As you get better at the game your mind is going to be singing, you will want to groove in the chair and will probably have problems keeping your fingers tapping correctly on the screen since the tunes are just that fun!.
This games is not free, but only costs $5 for starting the adventure. The environment is in a lovely 3-D and there are many puzzles for solving that will keep your mind guessing.

There are two down falls to playing the game though. Usually with games you can set the language so you can understand what is being said, that is not the case with this game. Secondly, in order to control the brothers both of your thumbs will have to be on the screen at the same time. It does not sound difficult until you actually try doing it.
Finding Dory
For only $4 the game can be downloaded for the younger kids to enjoy. While swimming there is plenty to do that is challenging.
4 Killer Apps that will Make You Smarter,